What does a painting sound like?

Dear Friends and Family, Helen Davey, an Australian musician who composes and performs music in response to art works, has set my painting “Samuel” to music.  My painting is eighth in a series of 52 pieces of art in her current project “Project 52 Sound-Paintings.”  Fifty-two musical compositions in response to fifty-two artists over fifty-two weeks.   I am honored to be a part of this project.  – When I painted this picture of Samuel, … Read more

What’s the deal with Felice???

Happy New Year, 2014!  Wow, January is almost over.  This blog celebrates its one year anniversary this month.  In January 2013 I published my first post, International Plein Air Painters. I’ve gotten quite a few comments over the last twelve months.  One of them was, “What’s the deal with Felice?”  You probably know me as “Phil,” then saw my name in print or on my business card and were not quite sure which to … Read more