What is the Meaning of This? …and my Painting at an upcoming Exposition at Grand Palais, Paris

The other day I was reading an article on the effect of play on children’s brains.  It turns out that it’s good for children to play. Who knew!  But wait, it’s good for animals to play too.  Yes, animals play.  People who have dogs know this already.  Maybe it’s good for adults to play as well, but let’s not go too far. So this got me thinking about all the programmed activity we provide … Read more

Now at Flux Factory, Picturing the Unprintable…

This painting, Fairmount Theater II, is featured in an Exposition entitled  “Picturing the Unprintable” at Flux Factory 39-31 29t Street, Long Island City, New York.  It was the subject of my post of February 28, 2015 (On Becoming a Serial Finisher).  The opening is tonight, October 7, 2016 and the show runs until October 16.  The show was inspired by the novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” by Earnest Hemingway.  It explores the idea of what … Read more

My Paintings at Studio 7 Fine Art Gallery

This painting and two others, Perkins Rubber Stamps and White Tire Bicycle, will be on exhibit, with many other paintings from alumni of the New York Academy of Art.  This is the third annual all alumni exhibition, held at Studio 7 Fine Art Gallery and The Bernardsville Library, in Bernardsville, New Jersey. Opening Reception: Friday, May 1, 6:00pm-9:00pm Studio 7 Fine Art Gallery 5 Morristown Road, Bernardsville, NJ 07924 studio7artgallery.com – a n d … Read more

Invitation to Vernissage at Salon Aguado, Paris 9eme

This painting was accepted into the contest and exposition “On the Rooftops” in the Salon Aguado, at the Mairie of the 9th arrondissement of Paris.  The exposition and contest is in support of Paris’s bid for its rooftops to be included as one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites.  It is organized by the Mayor of the 9th arrondissement, Delphine Bürkli.       You are cordially invited to attend the vernissage on Tuesday the 31st March … Read more

Something Old, Something New…

One of my readers asked me if I produce a painting especially for each blog post.  My answer was “sometimes, but not always”.  The painting here was made in 2010, before I started this blog.  It was accepted at the 27th salon des artistes, of the 15th arrondissement of Paris.  The occasion was the 150th anniversary of the arrondissement, so naturally the theme of the salon that year was it’s history. I had several … Read more

Studio 7 / Bernardsville Library Exposition

    Three of my paintings will be featured at: Studio 7 Fine Art Gallery and The Bernardsville Public Library A p r i l  2 8 – M a y  3 1 ,  2 0 1 3 OPENING RECEPTION: Both venues will hold receptions on Friday evening, May 3, 2013 from 6-9pm as part of the monthly BernARTsville Art Walk. WHERE? Studio 7 Fine Art Gallery 5 Morristown Road Bernardsville, NJ 07924 studio7artgallery.com – … Read more

Coffee & Tea Expo, New York City, 2012

I might live in a particular environment, or with a particular view from my window for months or years.  One day, the light casts a pattern or glow, and then I’m forced to paint a picture.  Dividing my time between France and the United States (not to mention raising children), nostalgia is  a constant part of life, which then becomes a part of each painting.   Whether contemplating my final rainy day in Paris … Read more

27th Salon des Artistes Painting selected by jury to be featured in 27th SALON des ARTISTES PEINTRES et SCULPTEURS, 15th arrondissement, Paris.  Vernissage held Friday November 5, 2010.  Show continues through November 18.