Where I’m Calling From…

Doodling on a page from an obsolete Saint Germain-en-Laye phone book (I keep wanting to say Facebook). It’s obsolete for two reasons. First it was last year’s phone book. Second, who uses phone books nowadays anyway? I wonder about the connection between these particular people on this particular page. They all live in the same town. Their names all begin with the same letter – M.  I myself am somewhere in this book but … Read more

Why is Painting like Fishing???

Dear Friends and Family, When I was a kid, I went fishing almost every afternoon after school with my uncle Bill. Before he’d get home from work I’d walk down the street to Dee’s Bait & Tackle to buy a can of worms.  Uncle Bill arrived home and we’d go fishing. Last March I claimed that Painting was like Cooking, but painting (at least plein air painting) is also a lot like fishing. Why?  Here … Read more