What is the Meaning of This? …and my Painting at an upcoming Exposition at Grand Palais, Paris

WALKING MEDITATION©2018 Felice PanagrossoOil on Canvas30 x 40 inches
©2018 Felice Panagrosso
Oil on Canvas
30 x 40 inches

The other day I was reading an article on the effect of play on children’s brains.  It turns out that it’s good for children to play. Who knew!  But wait, it’s good for animals to play too.  Yes, animals play.  People who have dogs know this already.  Maybe it’s good for adults to play as well, but let’s not go too far.

So this got me thinking about all the programmed activity we provide for our children.  What they do over the summer vacation has to “mean something.”  We’re all looking for meaning. Everywhere. In our work, in our play, in our sports and in our leisure activities.  We do things to further some other purpose.

But wouldn’t it be nice if we could just do some things for no purpose at all?  Work on a project for the sole purpose of doing a good job of it.  Go for a walk, or even a run, in the woods just to enjoy it, leaving home the stopwatch. Read a book that’s not on anyone’s “Must Read” list?

Artists play.  Not always, but I believe that some of the best work happens in the silent meditative space that’s created when the mind has forgotten about expectations.

The painting above, Walking Meditation, was inspired by a silent meditation retreat I attended at Plum Village in the South of France with my daughter.  It’s unfinished.

I’m still playing with it…


Upcoming Exposition:  I am honored to have one of my paintings, a portrait of Caryn, on display at the Annual Salon des Artistes Français, at the Grand Palais, avenue Winston Churchill – 75008 Paris.  The Exposition will start on February 14, 2018 and end on February 18, 2018.

10 thoughts on “What is the Meaning of This? …and my Painting at an upcoming Exposition at Grand Palais, Paris”

  1. Felice,

    Good to hear from you. How’s your family?

    Please, busy man, take a minute and let us know
    where your children are studying and what they’re
    achieving. And how is your great wife?

    Love to all


  2. Felice, This is beautifully expressed. When we lack purpose, when we daydream, when we are not fixated on finding solutions, we are more likely to find genuine inspiration and insight. You can’t chase the muse…she appears when we least expect her. Félicitations on your upcoming exhibit in Paris. You are such an intuitive artist. Je l’adore “méditation de marche.”

    As always,


  3. Hi, Phil!

    As soon as I looked at your painting, I felt sure it was a scene from Plum Village. My intuition was right!
    What a beautiful image from our walking meditation. I love it!

    I agree with all of your insights, Phil. So much of our world is concerned with “doing” rather than “being”.
    Surely it’s the great lesson we walked away from Plum Village knowing in our hearts.
    “Happiness is here and now, I have lost my worries… Nowhere to go, nothing to do, no longer in a hurry.”

    Thank-you for sharing your artistic gifts with the world!
    What a wonder to think that your painting will be hanging at an exhibition in Paris. Bien fait!!!

    Karen Cumming
    Fellow Adventurer – Plum Village

    • Hi Karen!

      Merci, thank you for your comment! If I can bring that feeling of a walk in Plum Village to mind, then the painting is a success.

      Yes, that’s one of the lessons I learned in Plum Village, and from meditation. If we can connect with that “being” then we can
      “do” almost anything.

      By the way, thank you for reminding me of the song “Happiness is here and now…”. It was my favorite…


  4. Yay to play Phil !
    Love the lingering quality of where this painting is going…
    BIg Congrats on your work being selected for the Annual Salon.

  5. Hello Helen,
    Thank you for your message! Hope all is well.
    I’m happy that you enjoy the painting. I’ll post it again when it’s finished.
    The show was a great success, and a lot of fun!

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